Saturday, December 24, 2011

Work Less, Do More, and Have a Great Life!

As you head into 2012, here’s a simple thought to keep in mind. Sometimes what we care most about seems like an afterthought, but it really isn’t. Here’s how to make sure you don’t get lost in 2012.

Please read the rest of this article by my friend:
Stever Robbins, <>  serial entrepreneur, productivity expert, adjunct lecturer at Babson College, and host of the top-10 iTunes podcast, The Get-it-Done Guy <> . You can find more of his work at


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Entrepreneurs ... are they Born OR Made?

It's a very interesting question and the answer is still up for debate!

We've set up a Poll on Linked-In and hope to share some of those responses with you following its close at the end of January 2012. 

If you have a Profile on Linkedin, please take a moment to vote in that poll at:

PLUS - we'd love to hear your comments on this question ... 
"Are Entrepreneurs Born OR Made?"  

What are your thought on either side of that debate?

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Success is a Team Effort!

As we were preparing a POST for our ProVision - Mentorship BLOG, we came across some wonderful information related to Andrew Carnegie.

The following can be found on the Website for the Carnegie Mellon Institute of Technology at:

Andrew CarnegieAndrew Carnegie was a penniless Scottish immigrant who became a steel-maker, controlling over 25% of American steel production by 1899.  By 1902, he was the richest man in the world.  But if that was his only legacy, by his own words, Carnegie would have "died disgraced."
"There is no class so pitiably wretched," he said, "as that which possesses money and nothing else."

Over the course of his lifetime, Andrew Carnegie would give away over $350 million dollars. In today's economy, those gifts would surpass a half billion.  Most of us don't have $350 million dollars, much less a half a billion, but we can make choices about how to use the money we do have.  We can decide to make an impact.

The inscription on Andrew Carnegie's tombstone reads, "Here lies a man who knew how to enlist the service of better men than himself."

As we ponder those words, I am reminded that SUCCESS in virtually any field of endeavour is more likely to come only after years of dedication and discipline.  The reality is that this "success" has often taken years to achieve. Furthermore, there are truly very few success stories that are genuinely 'solo efforts'. The work that we do, and the work of other successful people has almost always involved others who have in some way played a part in the advancement of that effort.  (As was noted on Andrew Carnegie’s tombstone.)

That's why we believe that success is a 'team' effort!  It is possible to achieve success and help others to be successful in their development. That's why Mentorship is so important in the development of people.  Mentorship helps people to more quickly and more fully develop their full potential.  And that's why we've added these resources and made them FREELY AVAILABLE for anyone who is looking at developing their potential. 

View some of the video clips that we've put together.  We trust that you will enjoy and learn from our many interviews with people spanning a wide variety of careers and industry sectors.  
Visit our YouTube Channel at:
Please feel free to comment on, and pass along the URL for our Mentorship and Business Success BLOGs.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Biggest Challenge I Had to Overcome

Who doesn't love a good success story?  There's something that really inspires us when we hear of the challenges that others have overcome to reach success.  When it comes to "Success Stories", I'm reminded of the perspective that Dan Jelinski shared in our video clip, “Everyday Heroes” - one of several videos in our "Stories that Mentor" Series.  Dan describes the three stages found in the classic, Hero's Journey.  View his video now on our YouTube Channel:    or at the direct link provided here: )

Perhaps you've got a story of overcoming a challenge!  Why not take a few moments to share it with others?  We'd love to hear from you!

Here's the perfect opportunity for you to express your unique story, of facing and overcoming some of the biggest challenges that a business owner may face along the road to success. 

Try using this simple framework to help guide you:

1) Tell us a little about the background and nature of the business.

2) What was the situation that you were facing? (The problem or challenge.)

3) What were some of the options that you considered, and the pros/cons associated with them?

4) What was your decision, how did you proceed, and what was the outcome?

5) Were there some lessons learned from the experience?  What would you do differently if you were given the opportunity to face that challenge again?

We welcome your contributions to this POST, and encourage you to provide a SECOND POST with your contact information.  This will be helpful because editing of your post is not permitted.  Having your contact information separately will allow us to get in touch with you for any further clarification and perhaps an interview for one of our future video clips on Business Success!  Thanks - We're looking forward to hearing from you soon!