Wednesday, December 31, 2014

PLAN to have a GREAT YEAR in 2015!

Why is it ... that we so often associate the preparation of a business plan with the start-up phase of a business venture? There’s little doubt on the value of having a plan at the front-end of the entrepreneurial journey, but what’s often overlooked is the value that a regular review and update to a business plan can have for the owner of an existing, growing business.

Think about it ... now that your business is up and running, and you’ve invested significant time, energy and money into establishing your business, a regular check on how things are going is a SMART investment. It’s one that will help you keep your business on track and headed in the right direction. Beyond that, it will keep you in a 'ready position' for the next opportunity that will be headed your way – and that’s likely one that you won’t want to miss!

* As much as we enjoy helping start-ups, it’s even more important for an established or growing business to regularly review and update their business plan.

For those who are already in business, here are a few questions we ask our clients, to help them review their business plan:

  1. Have you taken stock of how you and your business are doing? Are things moving in the right direction?
  2. What’s the current long-term vision you have for your business?
  3. What changes are taking place in your business environment and how will they impact your business?
  4. What are the ‘strengths’ that you and each of your team members bring to the business?
  5. Have you identified areas where ‘improvements’ should be, and need to be made in your business?
  6. What things will you continue to do in your business, and what things are you planning to change?
  7. What attracts customers to your business, and how can you increase that in the future?
  8. What resources and strategic relationships will be key for success in the year ahead?
  9. Have you established SMART goals (short-term, mid-term, and long-term) for your business?
  10. How will you stay on-track and keep yourself accountable for what you’re trying to accomplish?

We’d be pleased to help you in assessing any of the above and more, as you prepare your plans for Business Success!

“Plan to have a great year in 2015!”
  From all of the team at Pro-Vision Solutions Inc.

Our Gift to You – To celebrate the new year and thank our customers, 'Click' on the graphic below for an instant 15% discount on our “PVS – Exploring Business Options” that you may find helpful in January 2015.  

(Alternately, 'scan' the QR Code, and enter the promotional code: 15-IN-2015

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

8 Questions Going into 2015

As we come to the close of another year, many of us will use the Christmas and New Year’s holidays to reflect on where we’ve been with our businesses, and consider what we’ll plan to accomplish in the year ahead.

Here are a couple of questions I’m hoping you’ll take some time to think about over the holidays. I’d be pleased to have you share your thoughts in a short reply or comment to any of them. Alternately, you may feel more comfortable discussing some of your answers with us within a more confidential setting. Please contact us directly by email if you’d like to do that, and we can make appropriate arrangements with you.

Here are our 8 questions to ponder:

  1. What are the major business accomplishments that you’ve had for the most recent year?
  2. What changes are taking place in your business environment, and are they now signalling a need for your attention?
  3. Of the things you’ve been doing in business, what will you continue to do, and what are you planning to change?
  4. What do you want to achieve in business for the year ahead?
  5. How have you quantified and/or qualified your goals for the next year?
  6. What is it that makes your business attractive to your customers, and how can you increase that in the future?
  7. What resources and key relationships will be important for success in the year ahead, and how will you further build these for your business?
  8. Have you prepared plans for your business for the new year?

If you’ve thought about your answers to the questions we’ve raised, are you putting your responses and your action steps into your business plan? The first step to achieving business success is to plan for that success. And those plans belong in your business plan.

The year ahead will be filled with many opportunities for business. Opportunities continually emerge as things change around us. The key is to recognize and respond to the opportunities that appropriately match any one of us. That’s why a regular review of the business plan is such a constructive step. Revisit your plan! It can be a valuable guide into your future.

For 2015 and beyond, we’ve found walking step-by-step with entrepreneurs and their team of business professionals to be key to maximizing opportunities. Please let us know if you’d like some help with this, as we have a number of valuable business planning processes, tools and resources available to help entrepreneurs as they start and grow their businesses.

All the best in 2015!
- Jim & Myrna Ewing

Pro-Vision Solutions Inc.

Monday, November 10, 2014

A GREAT START ... to a Great Start for NEW Entrepreneurs!

We had a great start and a full room on Wednesday evening with the first of four sessions in our most recent Business Start-up Seminar Series. This one is taking place in St. Albert, Alberta and it's running throughout the month of November. 

In the first half of our program, Dar Schwanbeck, Managing Director for the Northern Alberta Business Incubator and Marie Anstey, Registry Operations Manager for Drayden Insurance Ltd. provided attendees with some very good insights. And then, following our refreshment break and some getting to know each other a little better, Rob LeLacheur, Publisher of the St. Albert Leader weekly newspaper added some great value with his perspectives on starting and growing a business. This, together with a few thoughts on business plans that we provided on behalf of Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. has really set the stage to help our keen group of entrepreneurs as they move forward with their businesses.  

The "Business START-UP Seminar Series" provides participants with a great introduction to starting a business - in this instance, in the City of St. Albert. It will also help them to connect with a variety of helpful strategic partners, business owners, service providers and sponsors. Feedback from attendees has been positive and as has been experienced in other locations, the series will again prove to be an invaluable investment as they work their way through their business start-up and early-stage growth.  

Pictured to the right is Rob LeLacheur, Publisher, St. Albert Leader. Rob offered up some very practical tips related to business start-up. "Money can hide a lot of problems," he said. "So in whatever you’re doing, focus on where your resources can be best used." 

CBC Radio provided opportunity for Jim Ewing to speak with Mark Connolly, host of Edmonton AM. As mentioned in that conversation, we’re looking forward to providing similar events elsewhere. In fact, there's already been positive responses & interest from other communities.  A copy of the interview is on our YouTube Channel and can be seen at:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Small Business Week in Canada - Do we Need to Encourage Entrepreneurship?

It's "Small Business Week" in Canada, and there are many activities taking place to celebrate and encourage entrepreneurship. (Note #1)


If you're in business, or work with entrepreneurs, you'll likely be speaking with those who are wondering what’s involved in starting a business of their own. 

Do we need to encourage people to explore entrepreneurship? I think entrepreneurship is a part of an individual's career-path planning that shouldn't be ignored. More importantly, for those wanting to 'be their own boss', I think it's critical that they gain a solid perspective on what's ahead of them!

BTW - Let me quickly mention that in November I'll be facilitating a “Business START-UP Seminar Series” in St. Albert, Alberta. This is modelled on the very successful series I’ve done in Sherwood Park (Strathcona County) for the past 8 years. The St. Albert series is a collaborative effort that’s being supported by the City of St. Albert Economic Development, the St. Albert and District Chamber of Commerce, the Northern Alberta Business Incubator (NABI), ATB Financial and MNP LLP.  It's great to see the cooperation being provided by these community leaders and so many others!  If you know of someone who’s considering starting a business in St. Albert, more information and registration is available at:

In a post seen on the website Stephen Daze says, 
"It’s no surprise that global leaders are increasingly looking at entrepreneurship as a way to grow jobs and stimulate economies.  In Canada, approximately 68% of net new jobs are created by small and medium sized enterprises (Statistics Canada) and from 1980 to 2008 all net new job growth in the USA came from firms five years or younger (Kauffman)."

There's good reason for encouraging entrepreneurship. As we've seen in the recent past, many large firms and organizations are trimming their payroll numbers and it's new businesses that generate job growth.  Daze notes a Kauffman-funded study of youth aged 8-21 where 40% of respondents expressed interest in entrepreneurship as a career option.  He rightly asks: "What are we doing to stimulate interest in entrepreneurship and provide support to young entrepreneurs?" (Note #2)

So let me ask: "What (if anything) should we be doing to stimulate entrepreneurship, for anyone?"

ALSO In a post to the "Provision Exploring Mentorship BLOG" on this same day, we provided some important information related to encouraging the growth and development of entrepreneurs, and the role a Mentor can play in that process. Learn how to improve the quality and results you experience ... and gain some insights on developing your business plan as well!

What are your thoughts on this topic? 
Please feel free to add your comments below.
Note #1: See a short video clip from the Business Development Bank of Canada regarding Small Business Week by clicking HERE.

Note #2:   Source of the Stephen Daze quote noted above was from the website URL:

Sunday, September 21, 2014

St. Albert "Business START-UP Seminar Series"


on the evenings of 

November 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2014
(6:30 pm to 9:30 pm)

Starting a Business in St. Albert?

Plan to Attend this Outstanding Series!

The City of St. Albert Economic Development, the St. Albert and District Chamber of Commerce, and the Northern Alberta Business Incubator (NABI) are pleased to collaborate in this upcoming dynamic seminar series.

Gain valuable insights, information, and perspectives to help you move forward in the right direction. Learn from business professionals and owners who are committed to supporting new business growth. Get to know some of the important business organizations and service providers in the community who can help you on your path to success! A valuable resource book will be included with your registration for this series.

Nov. 5th – Exploring Ideas and Your Business Plan
·       What does a good business opportunity look like?
·       Do you need a plan, and what goes into it?

Nov. 12th – Starting Right, Tax and Accounting Basics
·       What’s needed to start; should you incorporate?
·       How do you handle income taxes, GST, and payroll?

Nov. 19th – Operating, Managing & Legal Perspectives
·       How will things work and who’s doing what?
·       What aspects and risks need to be managed?

Nov. 26th – Financing, Growing and Your NEXT Steps!
·       Where do banks fit; how do you build the relationship?
·       What about creative options and Crowd Funding?

Brought to you with the support of:

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thank you ... “Entrepreneur Training Camp”

Here’s a ‘Shout-Out’ to our wonderful Promotional Partners for their support in sharing awareness of the “Entrepreneur Training Camp in Edmonton” on September 11, 2014.


And thank you attendees 

We had a great group of early-stage business owners gather for a full day of learning. 

Not only did they take away some valuable information to move their businesses forward, several walked away with some fantastic door prizes!

Door prizes at this event were generously donated by our friends at MNP LLP, Valpak Edmonton and DEXIO. Greg Gazin also provided a copy of his newly released book, “Corey OutSMARTs the Butterflies”. 

Door prize winners include: Greg Gazin - the Gadget Guy, Tim Brown - Blue Rose Ventures, Martin Cheng, Rachel Groner - Hub Cigar, and Dena Gillies - Capital HR Solutions.

Thank you to all of our Promotional Partners:
Capital Ideas, The Business Link, TEC Edmonton, Valpak of Edmonton, DEXIO, the 124 Street Business Association, the Kingsway District Business Association, Alberta Avenue Business Association, Old Strathcona Business Association, North Edmonton Business Association, Jackson & Associates Global Marketing Inc. and Everyday Entrepreneurial Community.
We wish to also extend a special thank you to our friends at The Business Link - our venue for the day in downtown Edmonton. Thanks for looking after us!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Entrepreneur Training Camp in Edmonton - Thursday, September 11, 2014

SUCCESS in business, as in life, is a MARATHON, not a SPRINT.

Success is ultimately found by those with the PATIENCE and ENDURANCE to bravely face each challenge, dust themselves off after a set-back, and continue to move forward.

Entrepreneurs know a lot about experiencing and overcoming set-backs! It’s interesting that many of them also started their business ventures because of other career challenges. Now they can take the experiences they’ve had along their career path and apply that to work that they now create for themselves.

My friend, Garland Coulson asks the question: 


Garland and I will be facilitating a one-day Entrepreneur Training Camp in Edmonton, Alberta on Thursday, September 11, 2014.

Garland notes that traditional “work” wisdom is to get an education and experience in your field, work hard and you would have job security - a career for life. But traditional jobs are under attack from downsizing, outsourcing, wage freezes and even robotics. Instead of being the safest, most secure way of funding your life, a traditional job has been shown to be a case of “all your eggs in one basket” with people being put tossed to the curb after years of hard work and loyalty. Job security is dead and jobs are becoming obsolete.

That’s why we’re pleased to be helping people adapt to the changing job landscape, and showing people how to create their OWN jobs.

    Statistics Canada states that 68% of new jobs are created by entrepreneurs.

The one-day training camp is an excellent opportunity for those thinking of starting a business or for existing Edmonton entrepreneurs to learn how to get to the next level.

Edmonton Entrepreneur Training Camp topics include:
•    Success Planning for Entrepreneurs (Jim Ewing)
•    Marketing Magic for Entrepreneurs (Garland Coulson)
•    The Perfect Pitch  - Find the Money (Jim Ewing)
•    Time Hacks for Entrepreneurs (Garland Coulson)

Location and details:
•    Date: Thurs, Sep 11,2014
•    8:30 am to 4 pm (light lunch served)
•    Location: The Business Link – 10160 – 103 St NW. Edmonton, Alberta
•    Registration is $175 – Register at believes in entrepreneurs and focuses on providing professional development for business owners by organizing Entrepreneur Training Camps in Western Canada.

For more information on the Entrepreneur Training Camp and to Register, please visit the registration website at:

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Robert Louis Stevenson - on "Success"

When I think of what it truly means to be SUCCESSFUL, I sometimes think of the words penned by - Robert Louis Stevenson:

“Man is a success who have gained the respect of intelligent men, and the love of children, who has fulfilled his niche - accomplished his task, who leaves the world better than he found it whether by a perfect poem or a rescued soul, who never lacked appreciation for earths beauty or failed to express it, and looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.”

I think that has to come very close to hitting the mark. 

PLEASE feel free to add some comments on what SUCCESS means to you.

Thank you in advance ... Have a great day friends.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Defensive Driving on the Road to Success (Part 5)

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Entrepreneurs like it when things are going smoothly and nothing seems to be getting in their way. Life is an open road and the prospects for the future look great. 

Well ... that's the dream. The reality is often a little more complex and there will be challenges that continually put you and your team to the test.

These things may slow you down, but they don't need to keep you from ultimately reaching your destination. Just take things 'one step at a time' and work your way through the process. That's just one of the many valuable business lessons we can learn as we travel the challenging road toward BUSINESS SUCCESS!

This is the final installment in the series of articles that's been kindly provided by my friend, Scott Sheris from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA). Thanks once again Scott! We've appreciated the insights you've provided through your "Defensive Driving" series.  Please feel free to add your comments and/or reaction to the ideas that these stories have generated.

Scott's contact information can be seen at the end of this post.

Best wishes on your entrepreneurial journey ...
- Jim, for the Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. TEAM.

Here's Scott's fifth post in this series ...

Today’s thought: Defensive driving (5) - “Make Sure They See You”

The last tip for defensive driving is to “Make Sure They See You”.  It’s all about communication on the road.  Some may not know this, but one of the reasons why all these ‘fancy cars’ have all these different types of ‘flashy gadgets’ (called signal lights), is so that drivers can let others know their intentions on the road. It provides other drivers with fair warning, so they can react accordingly.

I know, it would also be much easier on our travels if others would actually read their owners manual, if only to learn how to operate said signals.  How many times do we get upset because someone weaves in front of us without a signal, or they do signal but they just make it past us, barely providing enough space?

I also realize what’s next on your list of questions.  "How many 'cars' have to ignore my signal before someone lets me in to the lane I need?"  The object is to not get into an accident.  Inevitably, one of two things will happen. A) Someone will let you in, or B) everyone will hurry and pass you, only to switch back right in front of you a few moments later.

In some cases, the section of road we are travelling is multiple lanes and some folks, as is the law in many states, will actually change lanes to the left and so allow you the space you need to get into the next lane.  They don't lose their momentum, while still allowing for you to get into the space you need to make progress.  You can do this too, if there's room.

This final tip, “Make Sure They See You”, combined with all the other tips, should help you to get where you're going with minimal disruptions on the road to success.  However, just like on the real roads, some things will be unavoidable. That’s likely because someone, somewhere up the line ahead, has created a traffic jam, and just like everyone else, you wait. Life can be like that at times, but take some comfort in knowing that YOU were not cause of the delay, or involved in an accident.

Safe journeys, and hopefully some or all of this was helpful, as you travel on your road to success!

Scott Sheris is a writer from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) who’s primary focus is personal core development. His mission is to (H)elp (O)ther (P)eople (E)xcel – helping to bring HOPE to others as they begin to change their lives in new ways.

To contact Scott, or see more of his work, please visit his website at:

PLEASE ADD your comments regarding this topic - we'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Defensive Driving on the Road to Success (Part 4)

traffic photo: Free Traffic traffic.jpg
Life can get very busy and at times it may feel like you're trapped with no place to escape!   

For the entrepreneur how do you go about 'recharging' your batteries and finding 'balance' between the demands of your personal life and those of the business? Finding that balance is one of the keys to BUSINESS SUCCESS!

My friend, Scott Sheris from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) provides some good thoughts for our consideration. Thanks once again for providing this Scott! We've been featuring Scott's articles as a series this month and invite you to add your comments and/or reaction to the ideas that the stories generate.

Scott's contact information can be seen at the end of this post.

Thanks once again for allowing us to share your series with our audience, Scott!

Best wishes on your entrepreneurial journey ...
- Jim, for the Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. TEAM.

Here's Scott's fourth post in this series ...

Today’s thought: defensive driving (4) - “Always Leave Yourself an Out”

The fourth tip in defensive driving is to “Always Leave Yourself an Out”.  Always leave space for you to maneuver. Don’t get trapped in a situation where an accident is inevitable.

This includes space on the side, and learning how to discourage tailgaters, as well as leaving a good following distance (1 second per 10' of length of your vehicle is average).

My bus weighs 25,000 lbs empty and is 40'.  This means I need 4 seconds to stop the bus safely.  That should be my following distance (varies by speed of course).

If we aren’t paying attention and find we need to change lanes, if we didn’t leave ourselves an out and can’t create a new space, we have to stop and wait for traffic to clear.

Of course, I'm going to say life is the same way, but "space" in relationships is far more challenging to define and get right.  What is emotional space?  How much do we need?  How often do we need it to feel safe?  And so on.

If we have an idea where we are going, the route we want to take, and we have the big picture, then it may not be as difficult to decide what types of connections we will need to help us get there.

Other drivers on the road may not necessarily be strangers, and there are likely other helpful people we’ll meet on the road to success.  Consider – and this may seem like an odd question, but it will get you thinking ... Where, or who (as the case may be), is the next ‘emotional gas station’, or the next ‘rest stop’, or the next whatever you may need on the road?  You wouldn’t necessarily drive from LA to Chicago in one shift, so make sure you are taking time to refuel, and reconnect, and recharge, or whatever it is you need, to make sure you are safe on the next leg of your journey.

If we remember to “Always Leave Yourself an Out” we maintain our speed and progress on the road to success!

Scott Sheris is a writer from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) who’s primary focus is personal core development. His mission is to (H)elp (O)ther (P)eople (E)xcel – helping to bring HOPE to others as they begin to change their lives in new ways.

To contact Scott, or see more of his work, please visit his website at:

PLEASE ADD your comments regarding this topic - we'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Defensive Driving on the Road to Success (Part 3)

In business and in life - you've got to keep your eyes open to what's going on around you!

For many entrepreneurs, the fate of their business success as well as their personal success is tied together. What affects one part of their life can have a big impact on another area of life. 

Here's another great contribution from my friend, Scott Sheris in Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA). His article is broad in application but there are definitely many aspects that fit with our focus of BUSINESS SUCCESS!

 Thanks for providing this one Scott! We're pleased to be featuring this series over the month of June and invite our readers to add your comments and/or reaction to the ideas that the stories generate.  Please feel free to share this post and the entire series with those in your circle of contacts.

Scott's contact information can be seen at the end of this post. We'd encourage you to visit his site when you've got a moment. He's got some great photographs posted there too - nice work Scott!

Thank you for allowing us to share your series with our audience!

Best wishes on your entrepreneurial journey ...
- Jim, for the Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. TEAM.

Here's Scott's third post in this series ...

Today’s thought: defensive driving (3) - “Keep Your Eyes Moving”

The third point in defensive driving is to “Keep Your Eyes Moving”.  Even though we are already looking 20 seconds ahead and have the big picture, things are always changing!

We are moving 40 mph (or however fast) and each second our situation changes.  Then for each second, the other drivers situations change.  And lastly, our relationship to each driver and stationary objects change.

Keeping your eyes moving helps you stay alert to the changes, more or less as they occur.  Instead of just only looking forward for example, check your mirrors often, and check to see if intersections are clear before you enter.  Stay alert, as someone may be running a red light!

Just because someone else gets the ticket doesn’t mean you are not responsible for considering what you could have done to avoid an accident.

The same is true in life!  As we travel our road to success the big picture is always changing.  Sometimes what we didn’t think were hazards change, and what we thought were hazards may become opportunities, or create openings for progress.

By keeping our eyes moving we can see "20 seconds" ahead and scan everything in between. If you “Keep Your Eyes Moving” you’ll get the big picture and keep updated as to what is really happening on your road to success!

Scott Sheris is a writer from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) who’s primary focus is personal core development. His mission is to (H)elp (O)ther (P)eople (E)xcel – helping to bring HOPE to others as they begin to change their lives in new ways.

To contact Scott, or see more of his work, please visit his website at:
PLEASE ADD your comments regarding this topic - we'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Defensive Driving on the Road to Success (Part 2)

Perhaps the graphic that we've used in this post will serve to illustrate how important it is to gather and quickly process the information coming to us. Try not to let it distract you as you read! (smile)

Navigating your way of the highway of life as an entrepreneur holds additional risks and challenges. In this post, Scott Sheris provides another glipse into what it takes to successfully navigate the road towards SUCCESS!

We trust you'll enjoy this contribution that's been kindly provided by my friend, Scott Sheris from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA). We'll be featuring this series over the month of June and invite you to add your comments and/or reaction to the ideas that the stories generate.

Scott's contact information can be seen at the end of this post.

Thank you for allowing us to share your series with our audience, Scott!

Best wishes on your entrepreneurial journey ...
- Jim, for the Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. TEAM.

Here's Scott's second post in this series ...

Today’s thought: defensive driving (2) - “Get the Big Picture”

The second point made in defensive driving classes is to “Get the Big Picture”.  It makes sense! When you are only looking right in front of you, you limit your vision and may not get all of the information you need to make the best decisions.

On the other hand, when you look down the road, and around, you gain much more information.  You’ll have a clearer picture and a much better understanding of what decisions you need to make, and more time to make them.

Getting the big picture, though, also includes knowing what we are doing.  How fast are we going? Which lane are we in? And so on. If we don’t pay attention to what we are doing, we still won’t have the big picture, and we may again end up in a ‘bad spot’ on our road to success.

So, for life, consider what you are doing.  Figure out what’s REALLY going on personally and emotionally.  Then, once that’s done, look out to the road ahead.  Remember to look as far as you can to “Get the Big Picture”. That will help you make the right choices to stay on track while avoiding hazards along the way!

Scott Sheris is a writer from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) who’s primary focus is personal core development. His mission is to (H)elp (O)ther (P)eople (E)xcel – helping to bring HOPE to others as they begin to change their lives in new ways.

To contact Scott, or see more of his work, please visit his website at:
PLEASE ADD your comments regarding this topic - we'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Defensive Driving on the Road to Success (Part 1)

success photo: success keytosuccess.jpg
It's funny how things can happen in one area of our life that provides us with new insights and success in another area of life. 

For the entrepreneur there's a definite connection between aspects of their personal life and that of the business. There are many valuable business lessons we can learn as we travel this often winding and challenging road towards BUSINESS SUCCESS!

Here's an interesting contribution that's been kindly provided by my friend, Scott Sheris from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA). Thanks for providing this Scott! We'll be featuring this series over the month of June and invite you to add your comments and/or reaction to the ideas that the stories generate.

Scott's contact information can be seen at the end of this post.

Thank you for allowing us to share your series with our audience, Scott!

Best wishes on your entrepreneurial journey ...
- Jim, for the Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. TEAM.

Here's Scott's first post in this series ...

Today’s thought: defensive driving (1) “Always Aim High”

In defensive driving courses, there are 5 practices to get safely from point A to point B while minimizing risks on the road.  It makes sense that these points should also apply on the "road to success."  So let’s ‘buckle up’ and get ready for a few defensive driving tips to help you on your road to success!

The first tip is to “Always Aim High”.  Be looking 20 seconds down the road to try and pick up hazards and other changes far enough ahead to be able to safely do something about them, without losing too much momentum.

Travelling for 20 seconds at 40 mph will take you just over a quarter mile, so there should always be plenty to keep an eye on.  Not everything needs the ‘eagle eye’, but you need to check just long enough to be aware of potential problems when you get to that point in the road.  Then you can make adjustments as needed to avoid trouble.

Your "20 seconds" on the road to success may be a day, or a week equivalent.  Be looking at your path/plan, and the environment you are working in to see similar hazards, such as a potentially bad relationship/partnership.  Of course, try not to be harsh, although behavior frequently reveals the truth regarding others.  You may need to speed up, slow down, or even take a detour to avoid getting in with the wrong people.

We already know where we want to go and which route we want to use to get us there.  Practicing this tip, to “Always Aim High” will make sure we stay safe during our trip, while making good and reasonable progress!

Scott Sheris is a writer from Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA) who’s primary focus is personal core development. His mission is to (H)elp (O)ther (P)eople (E)xcel – helping to bring HOPE to others as they begin to change their lives in new ways.

To contact Scott, or see more of his work, please visit his website at:

PLEASE ADD your comments regarding this topic - we'd love to hear from you!

Saturday, May 03, 2014


YOUR HELP would be invaluable! So I’m ‘reaching out’ through my various social media channels in order to get some quick feedback. I'm also asking you to ‘share’ this request with those in your circle of contacts.

I’ll be speaking with a group regarding the importance of having a PLAN for their new businesses. Many will not have thought about potential problems they’ll encounter along the way. As you’ve likely experienced, having prepared in advance will save precious time when the situation calls for an alternative plan.

Could you please share a few thoughts on the importance of planning?

“What area could cause a new business owner their biggest challenge, and in 20 words or less, what could they do in advance to minimize the potential negative impact?”

Please choose one of the following areas, together with your suggestion:
      A) Customers; 

      B) Financing; 
      C) Location; 
      D) Managing; 
      E) Production; 
      F) Staffing; 
      G) Suppliers; 
      H) Other (Please identify the potential area of challenge)

* IF you provide your contact information, we’d be pleased to appropriately acknowledge the valuable suggestions that come forward and provide you with access to a summary of the feedback! 

Thanks in advance for your assistance. Your comments can be added below, or sent to us via one of our social media channels.

- Jim Ewing

Pro-Vision Solutions Inc.
Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)

Business Success BLOG:
Mentorship BLOG:
YouTube Channel:
Linkedin Profile:

Twitter:  JimEwing_PVS

Thursday, May 01, 2014

WHO is responsible for CUSTOMER SERVICE? of the key fundamentals for any business or organization is to know who their customer is, and to make sure they look after those customers with excellent customer service. While that seems very clear and should be understood by everyone within the organization, why is it that so few people actually focus on looking after the customer?

Customer service is about knowing your position in the marketplace and meeting, or exceeding their expectations. It’s all of that, and finding creative ways of doing so in order to contribute to the profitability, or viability of your organization.

It's about knowing your TARGET AUDIENCE and consistently creating a positive customer experience - one that not only keeps them coming back, but has them delighted to refer others.

WHO’s responsibility is it? If your business has a customer, CUSTOMER SERVICE is YOUR responsibility. Because, without the customer ... you have no business!

We'd like to follow-up on this post with your input, comments and suggestions on how to provide excellent customer service.  Please feel free to add a few of your thoughts to this post and we'll rework the top responses into a new post and circulate to our audience!

Thanks in advance for 'working with us' in this!

In closing, if you’ve ever felt like you were all alone as you walk this entrepreneurial road, let us encourage you to tap into the wealth of expertise that’s available to assist you. Many organizations can help point you in the right direction, and we would also be very pleased to assist in this regard, particularly when it comes to aspects of business start-up, growth, development and mentorship.

Please let us know if we can help you and your organization or group in moving forward with their business hopes, dreams and aspirations. Let's start the process with a conversation. We're looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The MOST Important Question for Business Owners ... Ask: WHY?

We had such great response to this topic on Facebook that we decided to post it here and copy some of the comments that quickly came in ... Thanks for that great feedback!  

Let's continue the discussion and invite others to add their comments to build on this fundamental 'starting point' for ANY BUSINESS ... 

Here is our original post, followed by a couple of the early comments and suggested links provided by friends and colleagues:

WHY?  It’s such a simple question! It’s likely the FIRST question we asked in life, and one that always LEADS to new discoveries and innovation.

WHY is a question that EVERY potential entrepreneur should ask when thinking of starting a business venture.
  • WHY this product or service?
  • WHY is this problem or challenge occurring for my customers?  
  • WHY would potential customers purchase this solution from me?

WHY – it’s a great question!  It’s the “STARTING POINT” that can lead to a brighter and more successful future!

As we work with communities and organizations, we take them through the various STEPS of small business planning and development. We start with the question WHY, and lead them through a process that points them towards SUCCESS.

IF you need a process that leads to successful small business start-ups and engages the skills and expertise available within your community, LET US ASSIST YOU in making your community the ‘location of choice’ for them to establish, grow and prosper!

SEND us a quick note as your “FIRST STEP” to START the process!

AND HERE are some of the early comments and suggested links that were provided by friends and colleagues: 

Barry Matthews: Great post Jim Ewing <>   If you haven't already checked out the Simon Sinek video, it is a great explanation of Why ...

Jim: Thank you Barry. I appreciate the link to this video. I've heard Simon Sinek speak on this before and agree that there's great value in taking this approach. Again, much appreciated, and YES, I recommend giving this a view!


Greg Douglas: Test. Always test.

Try to sell it.  To actual customers - NOT friends and family who will often say "yeah, great idea. People will buy that/People need that"

Ask if they would buy it and back it up with their wallet - ask for the sale, or their advice is meaningless. I learned that the hard way.

I tend to avoid friends and family when I'm in the early stages for this particular reason.  

I guess that's the "Ready. Fire. Aim." in me.

If you can actually sell it, you may be on to something and keep pushing.....

Jim: Great points, Greg. We love our family and friends, and (hopefully) they love us as well. The truth is that they are more inclined to believe more in 'us' than in the actual viability of the business concept we're trying to launch. It's therefore imperative that we obtain objective outside perspectives … and there are so many great ways the entrepreneur can gain that valuable input. Thanks Greg!

Peggy Zubyk: Asking WHY is also the beginning of the learning process towards making the connections between the individual task at hand and how that task fits into the bigger picture.  I find this concept is one of the hardest to grasp for the 20-something design staff I mentor.

Jim: Thanks Peggy. Mentoring is something that I’ve found adds so much to the development of people within the organizations where they work. A mentor helps new individuals ‘come up to speed’ and accelerates their growth, allowing them to very quickly become more productive within the workplace.

So for business owners and entrepreneurs, how much more important is it for them to have a mentor? (smile)  ... I think the answer is very clear and I truly enjoy helping to facilitate that process for organizations interested in developing to their fullest potential. 
NOW, it's your turn! 
Let's hear from you AND encourage others to join the conversation. Please add your comments and let's further discuss the importance of understanding "WHY" as it relates to SUCCESS in BUSINESS.